Qualities of an Effective Manager


What should potential leaders and effective managers work on to improve their workplace skills? Inherent in the question is that even effective managers can still improve their workplace skills. That principle of willingness to learn and personally improve represents one of top five qualities of an effective manager - as I see it.

Effective managers are willing to learn

Some managers believe that to be an effective manager means never having to admit you don't have all the answers. Managers who are unwilling to learn new things themselves, are often not supportive of their staff who want to learn new things. You will know this type of manager because they sometimes make up answers, don't support training and come across as a know it all in the workplace.

Effective managers know how to motivate employees to act

One quality of an effective manager of high functioning workplaces is the manager's ability to motivate employees to act and do their best work. Effective managers know that what motivates one employee may not be the same thing that motivates and drives all employees. Therefore effective managers do not take a one-size-fits-all approach to leading. Effective managers get to know their people and what motivates them as individuals - recognition, compensation or time off. Everyone is different and effective managers know how to tap into their employees.

Effective managers walk-the-walk

Some managers wear the "do-as-I-say" and not the "do-as-I-do" badge. These types of managers truly believe that they just have to tell employees what to do, but that they are free to behave how they want to behave. For example this is the kind of manager who writes up an employee for being late to meetings, while he or she keeps employees waiting all the time.

Effective managers treat ALL staff respectfully and fairly

If you have ever worked with a manager who plays favorites and pits one employee against another, you know it is not an effective management style. Everyone understands how informal workplace networks work and everyone understands that managers may choose to mentor or sponsor employees. However, when, the manager makes it clear to everyone, that he or she has favorites who can do no wrong; overall workplace morale will decline.

Effective managers make sure the right people are in the right place at the right time

To be an effective manager means that you are a manager who respects the skills your staff brings to the workplace. Effective managers recognize and acknowledge the skills and expertise of their employees and make sure that staff have the tools they need to succeed. These type of managers invite questions from staff and encourage participation.

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