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NoVo Foundation Invests in Women of Color

This is probably the largest ever such gift specifically designated to the "dismantling [of] the barriers that prevent them from realizing that potential and leading us toward a truly transformative movement for change."

The "them" in that sentence are girls and young women of color and the gift refers to a $90 million pledge from the NoVo Foundation.  After a series of community conversations with young women and girls during the summer of 2016, the foundation expects to formulate a final strategy in 2017.  In the NBC news piece, the NoVo organization says that "the goal will be a funding strategy that is truly shaped by girls themselves," and that is accountable to them.

The organization making this pledge to invest in women of color, was founded in 2006 by the son and daughter-in-law of one of America's richest men, Warren Buffet.

"We hope this kind of broad-based, fundamental change will impact girls and young women in communities of all kinds across the country, with the ultimate goal of ensuring that all girls and women can unlock their full potential," said Shifman. "Now is our chance to work together to harness this moment and ensure it is translated into long-term, meaningful change."

I can see this as something our currently First Lady, Michelle Obama, would probably be involved with, since it looks like a project just up her street. (;>

More about the NoVoFoundation here!