So You Missed Your Job Interview


So you missed your job interview.  It happens.  Just know that recruiters hate an empty interview chair!

The fact is that it is harder to make a good impression at the job interview, if you don't show up for the job interview.  Then it is even harder to recover after missing the interview.

Having said that, there are many reasons that you could be a no-show for a scheduled interview.  It happened to me once.  My train broke down and I sat on an Amtrak for four hours one winter and missed an interview.

I know no one needs to remind you why it's important to not miss the job interview.  However, being aware of how to recover is important.  First, you should know that recruiters in the same industry often run in the same circles and talk to each other. Not showing up for interviews, especially if you are on your college campus can really put you, your college career center and entire university reputation in jeopardy.  I have seen this.

So, if you missed your job interview or think that you will miss the interview, here is how you could handle it.

Be Proactive
Contact the recruiter to reschedule if you have a personal emergency like illness of yourself or family member, child care or elder care issue.  These are all legitimate things to explain.

Reschedule or Delay
Weather delays are common in some parts of the country.  Pay attention to the weather report and call to reschedule or delay a meeting if possible.  You went outside, your car doesn't work and you have to call a car service or take public transportation.  Contact the recruiter if you think you will be late and let them know you might be late or need to reschedule.

Suggest a Change in the Interview Modality 
You may have had a face-to-face interview planned and changing that to a phone, video or FaceTime session would work better.  Go ahead and make the suggestion as soon as you are aware.

Misunderstanding About Time
This happens. Everyone is moving quickly and a lot of information coming our way could cause us to make this mistake.  Follow up honestly and try to reschedule.  Sometimes you can and sometimes you can't.

Sample Apology Message for Missed Job Interview

If the worse happens and you missed your job interview, connect as soon as possible with a simple text message, email or direct message like this: (Use whatever method you have used before.)

"I sincerely apologize for missing our interview meeting today.  My absence was unavoidable and related to childcare, transportation, personal illness or whatever (please do not include unnecessary details).  I understand your time is valuable and would like to reschedule if possible because I remain interested.  However, if you have already selected a candidate, I understand and I thank you again for the opportunity."

Check out our free Interview Like a P.R.O. video course for more help with job interview preparation.