Improve Your Resume with 3 Resume Writing Tricks from Professional Resume Writers


Professional resume writers can improve the look and value of a resume in a few minutes with these resume writing tricks. Some job seekers can do the same. Although there are definite advantages to using professional resume writers, for content and branding, job seekers can improve their resumes if they apply these three tricks of resume writing trade used by professional resume writers.

Need to proof read for errors?
To proofread a resume for errors, read the resume backwards. We read from left to right and from top to bottom. Instead of doing that, start reading the resume at the bottom and read the words from right to left. This way, you will not get caught up in the content as the reader, but get to look at every word, punctuation mark and space. Proofreading a resume this way helps you spot errors in the resume.

Need to make resumes easier to read?
To break up resume sections with lots of words, insert numbers, dollar amounts or percentages. For example use "Managed staff of 20 employees" versus "managed staff of twenty employees". This helps the resume in a few ways. First, the number "20" draws the reader's attention making it a good way to show measurable accomplishments on a resume. Second the number helps to punctuate the sentence making the resume much easier to read. Professional resume writers improve the look of a resume as well as add outcomes very quickly by using this resume writing trick. This way, when recruiters scan a resume, they are more likely to pause at the relevant details. Look back at this paragraph and see how quickly you spot the number "20".

Resume running too long? Here’s how to save 3 or 4 lines.
If you add a second or third page to your resume, make sure it is more than three quarters of a page. Sometimes all you need is a few more lines. Professional resume writers will immediately apply this trick to save space. Look at your contact information; how many lines are you using? Professional resume writers will immediately limit contact information to two lines. One with name only and second line with phone number and email. Save pages also with text boxes and by reducing margins.

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