20 Common Job Search Mistakes


If you have read my blog before, you know I love lists.

They are a great way to get to the heart of an issue really fast. So after being in many conversations over the last several weeks about new grads who can’t find jobs, I wanted to just remind everyone of the 20 common job search mistakes updated for 2015.  Chances are that no one is making all of these job search mistakes, but if you have been struggling with a job search, you might want to consider these things.

  1. Not following up with recruiters or networking contacts

  2. Not creating a LinkedIn profile page

  3. Not cleaning up social media profiles

  4. Not showing connections to industry or career through membership or affiliation

  5. Not using strong writing skills through resumes, applications or emails

  6. Not showing practical application of learning and knowledge

  7. Not using a current resume customized for each opportunity

  8. Not showing any focus for preferred roles, industries etc.

  9. Not using a thank-you letter for interviews or referrals

  10. Not researching organizations before the job interview

  11. Not developing a portfolio of work or accomplishments

  12. Not doing practice interviews

  13. Not using niche job boards

  14. Not aware of the 3 C's of Interviewing: Using excellent Communication skills to speak with Confidence about your Competencies!

  15. Not considering relocation as a viable option

  16. Not seeking current advice on what employers want

  17. Not using the career center on your college campus

  18. Not being clear about what you want or are looking for in your next opportunity

  19. Not being involved in any internships, leadership projects, study abroad or volunteer activities

  20. Not lining up awesome references

So, if any of these common job search mistakes apply to you, work daily to make improvements and keep a positive attitude.  YOUR opportunity is closer if you get your focus on, and work on these job search mistakes.